Watch: Deep talk with James Cameron and the creators of ‘Sanctum’

With the HitFix crew up to our knees in Park City film news, we called in the beautiful and always charming Jenna Busch to chat with the creative team behind the new 3D underwater claustrophobia-fest “Sanctum.”

The film centers around a crew of cave divers that get caught in a giant underwater cave during a storm and must find their way out or face certain death as the cave is flooding. The incident is partially based on the experiences of the the films’ co-writer Andrew Wight. “Our real story is we were all caught in a cave collapse after a big storm and we all survived, our fictional story kind of picks up where the real story leaves off,” said Wight.

The film was shot with the cameras that James Cameron developed for use on his groundbreaking 3D film “Avatar,” cameron, donning his producer hat for “Sanctum” told us that part of the reason he produces 3D films like “Sanctum” is to learn things that will make his cameras better. “it’s a work in progress,” said Cameron “every time we go out and shoot one of these things we learn more that will make the cameras better, lighter, smaller.”

At the end Jenna may have gotten the filmmakers in trouble with the insurance company. It’s unclear but they might have lost some cameras. “We really pushed your cameras,” said Director Alister Grierson to Cameron. “Yeah, a couple of them survived.” he replied with a smile.

Watch the entire interview embedded above, “Sanctum” opens in 3D and IMAX theaters on Friday February fourth.

-Alex Dorn is not Drew McWeeny, but he’s on Twitter here
-Jenna Busch is not Drew McWeeny either (although I’ve never seen them in the same room together… hmmm…) Follow Jenna here.