Guessing game: Where is Clare Danes’ leg in this Vogue photo?

Oh no! Claire Danes appears to have lost her right leg in a tragic Photoshop disaster, while out in the field trying to get this “Homeland”-themed Vogue shot just right. And now the limb is simply missing! Where, oh where, could Claire’s leg be? Here are some guesses:

– It has been given as a deranged, mania-fueled offering to Nicholas Brody as proof of her undying love.

– It has been given as a deranged, mania-fueled offering to Romeo as proof of her undying love.

– Rotting away in a Thai prison.

– Inside the Temple Grandin hug machine.

– It has been given as a deranged, hormone-fueled offering to Jordan Catalano as proof of her undying love.

– It has been turned into a lamp.