Raptors Are On The Attack In The New TV Spot For ‘Jurassic World’

Universal Pictures has been steadily releasing new clips, trailers and photos for the latest installment to the Jurassic Park franchise. The new Jurassic World TV spot above shows much of the same footage teased in previous promos. That being said, Universal has been doing a great job at adding one last jolt at the end of each trailer they release. This one is no exception and shows velociraptors can also suffer from a bad case of road rage now and again.

If that video didn’t scratch your proverbial itch, check this new advertisement starring brilliant geneticist Dr. Henry Wu as he talks about the scientific advancements InGen has made ever since that first dino egg was hatched back in the original 1993 film.

Jurassic World will stomp its way onto the big screen on June 12, 2015.

(Via JurassicPark)