50 Cent says it’s time for him to take a break from Instagram after being reported for bullying in a new post… on Instagram. 50 posted a screenshot of the “your post goest against our community guidelines” report to his page, joking that he didn’t quite understand why the post in question would need to be removed. “I don’t understand this,” he captioned the post. “Why am i getting this? It says the post is removed for bullying but the post is still on my page. OK, time to take a break from IG.”
It’s likely 50 could still see the post while it was removed from his public timeline because the questionable post has been scrubbed. Meanwhile, it appears his “break” only lasted a few hours as he’s posted several new photos and videos since, although they have all been promotional posts for his Branson cognac with two exceptions. Considering his usual online activities, some fans in the comments were shocked he hadn’t been reported for bullying a long time ago.
A well-known troll, 50 has directed mocking posts at everyone from his erstwhile rap rival Ja Rule to his own son, although in an unprecedented move, he did issue an apology for a post teasing Megan Thee Stallion about being shot, claiming he didn’t believe the news when it was first reported. Megan might be the only person to receive an apology; Nick Cannon, Will Smith, and others certainly aren’t holding their breath.