The U.S. State Department Issued A Statement About ASAP Rocky’s Detention In Sweden

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ASAP Rocky was arrested in Sweden earlier this month, and judging from reports on the situation, things have been pretty rough for the rapper. Swedish law enforcement asked for an extension to keep him there longer than the allotted three days, and since he’s stuck in Sweden, Rocky has had to cancel his tour. It’s unclear how long Rocky will remain in Sweden, but the US State Department has spoken out in support of the rapper.

“There are certainly some facts about the arrest and detention that raise concerns,” a spokesperson for the department said in a statement, published by Politico. “We expect all governments, including Sweden, to treat American citizens fairly and with respect. We hope to see ASAP Rocky and his colleagues back on tour and reunited with friends and family soon.”

Rocky was arrested on July 2 on suspicion of assault following a performance in Sweden. Reports say that he is in pre-trial detention and awaiting “a lesser charge” (initial reports said he was facing up to six years in prison). Though his Swedish lawyer denies it, there have been other reports that Rocky has been held in inhumane conditions.

No matter the condition of his holding right now, Rocky deserves to be treated with basic care and respect — and it sounds like the US government agrees.