A Growling Grandpa Covered Drowning Pool’s ‘Bodies’ On ‘America’s Got Talent’

If you didn’t think octogenarians were into nu-metal, prepare to have your preconceived notions challenged. Last night on America’s Got Talent, 82-year-old John Hetlinger, a former Navy pilot who had also worked on the Hubble telescope, gave the judges — and the entire country — quite a surprise.

The 82-year-old stepped onto the stage and told the judges that despite a very accomplished career, getting on the AGT stage would be the high point of his life — it was hard not find him endearing. That said, no one could predict what would happen next as Hetlinger busted out a rollicking version of Drowning Pool’s 2002 hit “Bodies.”

When the unassuming retiree stepped onto the stage in his khakis, this monstrous performance was probably the last thing anyone expected. He let out a scream that would make Rob Halford jealous and thoroughly rocked out. The performance was met with immediate approval from the audience, who started singing and banging their heads along with him. While we could focus on the eeriness of a man in his 80s singing about bodies hitting the floor, we should instead just enjoy this as a highly accomplished man getting to have some fun on national television. While he may not be the winner, he’s quite likely to be the most memorable performance this season.

(Via AOL)