The story of Jay-Z and Nipsey Hussle begins seven years ago, when the former stepped up as one of the many individuals to believe in Nipsey’s vision. At the time, the Slauson rapper was preparing to release his Crenshaw mixtape, but it came with a catch. Nipsey would sell physical copies of the CD at $100 each, a business move Jay-Z appreciated as he purchased 100 copies at that price.
While some hoped the move would spark an eventual collaboration between the two, especially at Nipsey’s career elevated, it did not arrive while The Marathon rapper was alive. Fortunately enough, a joint song was finally put together with their latest single, “What It Feels Like.”
The track appears on the soundtrack for the Shaka King-directed film, Judas And The Black Messiah. Here, the two rappers exchange thoughts on what it feels like in Black America. Both share anecdotes from their struggling as well as highlights from their more recent successes. The song is one of 22 contributions to the soundtrack which boasts appearances from H.E.R., Black Thought, Smino, Saba, Masego, Pooh Shiesty, Rapsody, G Herbo, Sir, and more.
Press play on the new track in the video above.
Judas And The Black Messiah: The Inspired Album is out now via RCA. Get it here.
Some artists covered here are Warner Music artists. .