Jimmy Fallon's Ragtime Gals (And Mystery Guest) Give 'SexyBack' The Barbershop Quartet Treatment

I’d like to promise you this is the last time I’ll be writing up something Jimmy Fallon-related this week (because get a room already), but unfortunately I cannot make that promise, as we’re only two nights into #Timberweek and who knows what’s still in store for us. There could be a Love Guru cast reunion for all I know, and how could I pass on that?

So I’ll keep this succinct: The below video is Fallon’s barbershop quartet, The Ragtime Gals, performing Justin Timberlake’s “SexyBack” with an extra special guest member. I won’t spoil the surprise but it’s not Chris Kirkpatrick.

They’re no Be Sharps but that’s still some pretty good harmonizing.

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon