Kid Cudi guested on Lil Wayne’s Young Money Radio recently, and he told Wayne about how he helped him connect with Eminem and get their recent collaboration, “The Adventures Of Moon Man And Slim Shady,” made. During that same interview, Cudi also revealed that he was worried about Eminem “bodying” him on his own song, but that was ultimately a sacrifice we was willing to make to work with the legendary rapper.
Cudi told Wayne:
“I had the record and I just was like, ‘Man, let’s send it to him. The worst that could happen is he doesn’t f*ck with it, and then at the end of the day, I won’t be mad about it.’ So I just sent it off and he responded back. They said, ‘He f*ck with it’. And they were asking questions like when I was thinking about releasing it and all these things, and I was just like, ‘Whoa, it seems like he’s going to write this sh*t.’ Alright, OK.
So I mean, he sent it right back and, man, I got him on the phone. I had to tell him, I was like, ‘Yo bro, you f*ckin’ destroyed this sh*t.’ Because I was nervous because I was like, ‘Man, I’m f*cking going get him Eminem on my song, he going body me on my own sh*t.’ But I was like, f*ck it. like, f*ck it. I just want a joint with Em.”
Watch the full interview below.