Lady Gaga Comes To Ed Sheeran’s Defense After He Speaks Out About Online Abuse At The Hands of Fans

Super Bowl conquering pop colossus Lady Gaga is calling for unity between Little Monsters and Sheerios (especially their king with the highly visible coif) following alleged fan incidents that have Ed Sheeran pretty much giving up on Twitter these days. C’mon fandoms, no need to get nasty.

The UK singer-songwriter told The Sun that he finds social media too hostile of a place to deal with anymore. He told the outlet that Twitter is just too mean of an environment and that’s he’s essentially quit addictive platform. Sheeran says online abuse from Gaga’s army of fans was a particularly frustrating experience.

“Lady Gaga’s fanbase read an interview in which they assumed I was talking about her and they all fucking hate. And it wasn’t anything to do with that at all,” he said. “So I think Twitter gets on a massive steam roll of assuming things and then you get in the sh*t.”

Gaga responded to Sheeran’s claims of abuse with an Instagram post featuring the two chart-toppers together in shared selfie mode and she wrote about her desire to have positivity reign.

“What an incredible talented artist I LOVE ED @edsheeran deserves all our love and respect like all humans do,” wrote the “Bad Romance” recording artist. “I wish all people on the internet would be positive and loving and apart of creating an online community that is kind and empowering, not hateful and mean. No reason to tear down an artist simply because they are on top. Work harder to be kinder everybody. That should be your first duty to humanity.”

Mother Monster didn’t explicitly come for the more aggressive portion of her devoted fanbase, but you get the sentiment. Ideally this all pans out with everyone getting along and Gaga hiring Ed a styling consultant or twelve.