Puddle Of Mudd Deleted Their Facebook After A Particularly Horrible Show

Can you take it all away? If the “it” is Puddle of Mudd’s Facebook page, yes.

It’s been a rough couple of weeks/months/years for the Creed of the Midwest. Lead singer Wes Scantlin was reportedly bailed out of jail by a fan in January, then he missed a flight last week for a show in Michigan. A night later, Puddle of Mudd was booed off the stage in Versailles, Ohio, leading the band to delete their Facebook page. No one was saying boo-urns.

My new favorite radio station, Banana 101.5, via Metal Injection, reports that “several fans alerted us to the fact that the band was booed off the stage at some point in the night and did not complete their set. There was also mention of attempted lip-syncing that didn’t go over well.”

Puddle of Mudd’s Facebook has since vanished; the URL redirects to “Check Out This Band Instead.” No word on what this means for the group’s scheduled performance at the Gathering.


(Via Metal Injection)