Donald Trump Labels Jill Stein’s Recount Efforts ‘A Scam’ As The Fundraiser Nears $6 Million

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Donald Trump has finally addressed the growing push for a recount in several states by Green Party candidate Jill Stein. Shortly after the Clinton campaign stated that they will take part in the recount effort in Wisconsin and other swing states, the president-elect released an official statement on Stein’s fundraiser. For Trump, there’s little doubt in his mind that the entire recount effort is little more than a scam:

“This recount is just a way for Jill Stein, who received less than one percent of the vote overall and wasn’t even on the ballot in many states, to fill her coffers with money, most of which she will never even spend on this ridiculous recount…

“This is a scam by the Green Party for an election that has already been conceded, and the results of this election should be respected instead of being challenged and abused, which is exactly what Jill Stein is doing.”

Trump also tweeted out a similar message, claiming it was an effort by the Green Party to “fill their coffers” that was now being joined by a “demoralized” Democratic Party.

Despite this, Stein and the Green Party are moving forward and still collecting donations. The count as of this post is on the cusp of crossing $6 million with a current stretch goal of $7 million. The party also talked about their desires behind the recount, including details into the actual type of recount they will be seeking in the states according to CNN:

Wisconsin Green Party co-chairman George Martin said that the party was seeking a “reconciliation of paper records” — a request that would go one step further than a simple recount, which is expected to begin next week, and that he hopes will spur an investigation into the integrity of the state’s voting system.

“This is a process, a first step to examine whether our electoral democracy is working,” Martin said.

Stein also posted her feelings on Twitter, claiming that she will do a recount in any state where a deadline has not passed. This would expand the recount process beyond the original three states, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

The final outcome will not come for a while, but it seems that the recount effort has gained enough momentum to reach the next step. With the involvement of the Clinton campaign and recognition from the Trump camp, it would seem it won’t be going away any time soon.

(Via CNN)