Today In Terrible Trump Sibling Tweets: Comparing Syrian Refugees To A Poisoned Bowl Of Skittles

The Trump kids — much like their father — can’t seem to keep a lid on things when it comes to Twitter. Not too long ago, the trio presented the Internet with this eerie photo where they’re all posing like Dresden Dolls (not the band, the characters from V.C. Andrews’ Flowers in the Attic series). More recently, Mark Cuban recent took great delight in fact-checking Eric Trump when he tweeted a fake rally photo, which was super obvious to the Dallas Mavericks owner because Eric tried to pass off a packed Dallas American Airlines Arena as a rally in Pensacola, Florida.

Yet Eric has stiff competition for Donald Trump Jr., who’s been working hard to become the most “deplorable” Trump sibling. About a week ago, he tweeted a meme that’s often shared by white supremacists. Donald Jr. was “honored” to be featured in the meme, alongside his siblings, Rudy Giulini, and Alex Jones of Infowars‘ conspiracy-theory fame, all with their heads photoshopped (as The Deplorables) onto The Expendables characters. If there was any doubt about the white supremacist connections of that meme, David Duke loved it.

Now, Donald Jr. has upped the ante by tweeting a another meme that has been favored by those with a white supremacist ideology (and posted at Zero Hedge using M&Ms). He posted an image of a bowl of Skittles, which compared the bowl to a group of Syrian refugees. The idea is that only a few are poisoned, so Donald Jr. wants to know if his followers would eat ’em all.

Donald Jr.’s not the first person to switch up the meme to a different food. Mike Huckabee did so last year with peanuts (before accusing refugees of only wanting cable tv), but Donald Jr. must have a sweet tooth because he’s using the meme with Skittles. One Twitter user recognized the meme immediately along with the candy switcheroo.

Conservative Review columnist Amanda Carpenter quickly asked whether the Trump-Pence logo meant the campaign had approved the meme.

Little Green Footballs Editor-in-Chief Charles Johnson wanted to know if the “tweet is a [racist] dog whistle” meant to evoke Trayvon Martin’s death in the eyes of Trump supporters.

Indeed, Johnson’s theory in relation to Trayvon Martin could be correct.

Other folks wondered whether Skittles appreciated, uh, this free publicity.

One user had a great idea for Skittles to help redeem their good name.

Binyamin Appelbaum of the New York Times noted the irony of Donald Jr. using an iPhone to disseminate the meme.

Because we’re talking about Twitter, the memes and jokes came rolling in.

Skittles has responded to Hollywood Reporter‘s Seth Abramovitch. The company stated, “Skittles are candy. Refugees are people. We don’t feel it’s an appropriate analogy.”

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