This Ginormous Baby Is One Of The Biggest Ever Born In Florida

14 Pound Florida Baby

Maxxzandra Ford and the hospital staff at St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital in Tampa were stunned late last month when Ford gave birth to a healthy 14.1-pound boy, becoming one of the state’s largest. According to CNN, Ford didn’t know she was pregnant until her third trimester. She claims she had none of the usual symptoms — nausea, vomiting, or weight gain:

“When I felt his head come out, I knew he was bigger than 10 pounds,” Maxxzandra Ford told CNN affiliate WFTS. “I was cussing up a storm.”

Ford was in labor for 18 hours. When she asked how much Avery weighed, she couldn’t believe it:

“‘What!?…My baby weighed what?!’ They were like, ‘Your baby is like adorably huge.'”

Baby Avery is healthy and getting plenty of attention after spending some time in the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit. Avery’s father is already joking about his future prospects, saying, “I’ve got a linebacker instead of a fullback.” So the kid’s weight may put him on UPROXX Sports one day, but “adorably huge”? Um…

Source: CNN