#BlackLivesMatter Protestors In Oakland Shut Down A Highway And Launched Fireworks

While all eyes have understandably been fixed on the developing and horrific events in Dallas on Thursday night, peaceful and impactful protests are still ongoing across the country in response to the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. Most notably in New York, shutting down 5th Avenue, and in Oakland, where thousands of #BlackLivesMatter protesters have blocked off a section of I-880 in both directions with some staging a sit-in and a least one instance of someone setting off fireworks. Protestors are demanding that Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf come down to meet with them, and the numbers appear to be increasing as protestors filter in via the on ramp, and police reportedly divert drivers from the freeway, according to KRON 4.

Protesters began their march at Frank Ogawa Plaza and city hall, moving to police headquarters before taking their present position on I-880. Images posted to Twitter showcase the frustration felt.



As well as the heartache at the center of these protests.


We’ll keep an eye on the situation in Oakland as it develops, but it seems like protestors are in it for the long haul.