Van Jones And Jeffrey Lord Put Their Differences Aside With A New Year’s Eve Kiss

For the past few weeks, folks would not shush about their desire to say goodbye to this godforsaken year. The more eloquent types are pointing towards the best thing that happened this year, but on New Year’s Eve, people are simply becoming drunk or loopy or both. And why not?

The CNN personalities are lucky enough to be drinking and working at the same time, and Van Jones and Jeffrey Lord may or may not be indulging, but they’re certainly loopy. The two men — who have gone to battle in countless panel arguments this year — finally put their differences aside, if only for a moment. In this saccharine-sweet clip, Lord first reminded Jones that he accurately predicted that Donald Trump would become president, which prompted a mock head shaking from Jones.

Then, sh*t either got fake or real. When Jones planted a big ol’ kiss on Lord’s cheek, the latter reacted with joy. They sent the segment back to Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin, and this night is off to a rousing start. Oh hey, Don Lemon is threatening to get a tattoo tonight, so that should be … fun.