In 2018, an 8-year-old girl named Isabella McCune was badly burned in an accident and was hospitalized at Phoenix’s Arizona Burn Center. She had hoped to see Taylor Swift perform in Glendale but was unable to. She had a plan, though: She recorded a video that April calling out to Swift, saying, “I heard you were here, and I wanted to visit you but maybe you can come and visit me. So maybe that can happen.”
A few days later, Swift actually did visit, and while there, McCune told Swift how her music has helped her through the tough times she had faced. Swift wrote a message for McCune: “Isabella! I hope you feel better soon and I’m honored you’ve been listening to my music. You’re so awesome and I can’t wait to have you at a show!! Stay strong, gorgeous.”
Swift did have to wait to have McCune at a show, nearly five years. Now, though, Swift has made good on her promise by gifting McCune four tickets to the second of her Glendale Eras Tour concerts this past weekend.
McCune, who is now 13, told Arizona’s ABC 13, “Not only the fact that I’m able to go and I got these tickets gifted to me, they’re from Taylor Swift and her team and they remembered me, and thought of me to give me these tickets.”
Watch McCune tell the story herself in the video above.