Hillary Clinton Formally Backs A Healthcare Public Option To Win Over Bernie Sanders Supporters

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Hillary Clinton took another step to winning over hardened Bernie Sanders’ supporters on Saturday. The former Secretary of State announced plans to add a public-option insurance plan to Obamacare, which had been an adamant part of Sander’s health care platform. Under this new option, citizens would be able to start enrolling in Medicare when they turn 55.

Clinton, who has championed a government-run insurance plan since she was First Lady, said in a statement this is the next step to provide health care for the masses:

“We have more work to do to finish our long fight to provide universal, quality, affordable health care to everyone in America. Already, the Affordable Care Act has expanded coverage to 20 million Americans. As president, I will make sure Republicans never succeed in their attempts to strip away their care and that the remaining uninsured should be able to get the affordable coverage they need to stay healthy.”

Funnily enough, this policy shift comes a few days before she is set to make a joint campaign appearance with the senator from Vermont.

This is not the first time Clinton has embraced a Sanders platform. Earlier this week she introduced her New College Compact proposal, which would eliminate public college tuition for student’s families who make less than $125,000 a year. Sanders initially wanted to eliminate all tuition for those attending public universities, but this looks to be a compromise for both ideas. But any reprieve from paying college tuition is good.

As November inches ever closer, it’s going to be interesting to see if Clinton adopts any more Sanders’ platforms. Sanders supporters are a hard nut to crack and embracing some of his ideals could launch her to the presidency.

(Via The Huffington Post)