‘Burn Notice’ – ‘Hot Property’: It takes a thief

A very quick review of last night’s “Burn Notice” coming up just as soon as I have a loafer with a listening device…

“Hot Property” was a definite step up from last week’s episode, and not just because I was true to my word and paid little to no attention to anything having to do with the NOK list. It featured the welcome return of Callie Thorne as the sociopath thief Natalie (along with a fine slap fight between her and Fi), it had a lot of cool gadgets (the thermal lance) and/or spycraft tips (sunglasses as lockpick, how to fake a chemical weapon) and what I hope is an end to the Dark Jesse period with Madeline’s intervention.

Still, so long as I’m pretending that the arcs don’t exist, “Burn Notice” becomes a much more lightweight show – not a bad one, but something that doesn’t provide me with a lot of fodder to write about, ala “Leverage” or “NCIS” or some of the other shows I watch from time to time but rarely cover here.

So going forward, I’m going to play it by ear on how frequently I review the show. If a standalone story is really good, or does something interesting with the central relationships, I’ll do a write-up. But if all I have to say is “That was fun” or “That was a little dull,” I’ll likely pass.

But while we’re talking about the show this week, what did everybody else think?

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