HBO sets ‘Treme’ season 2 premiere date

HBO has confirmed the season two premiere date for “Treme,” the David Simon-produced drama about the music scene in post-Katrina New Orleans. As first reported by Dave Walker of the New Orleans Times-Picayune, the series will be back on Sunday, April 24.

That’s a week after the premiere of “Game of Thrones,” HBO’s long-awaited adaptation of George R. R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” series of fantasy novels, which seems to make an unconventional double feature. On the other hand, my friends who swear by the Martin books insist it did for fantasy what Simon’s “The Wire” did for cop dramas, so maybe they’ll be more compatible that it seems at first glance.

The “Treme” season one DVD set (in which I appear on one of the commentary tracks) comes out on March 29, and in case you missed it in the fall, there’s also a terrific soundtrack album. The show’s first season was one of those shows that spanned the final days of the old blog and my arrival on HitFix, so you can find some of my season one reviews here, and the rest here.