Microsoft Goes ‘Old Yeller’ On the Zune

Here’s a good way to know your product has been an utter failure: even an Adult Swim show that glories in over-the-top violence thinks killing your product is a waste of firepower.

So it is with the Zune. Despite support from surprising corners of nerddom, the Zune never really took off, because it’s a Microsoft product, and the words “Microsoft product” are almost as unappealing a combination of words to people as “fanged toilet” or maybe “cactus underwear.” And now it’s time to take it out back. You can do it, Microsoft. Just hold the rifle steady.

Microsoft’s lack of enthusiasm was palpable in that they split the hardware and software a few years ago, and the hardware, well, let’s just say that the hardware has been a little neglected, last updated in 2009. It’s a less than surprising decision considering Microsoft has a lot staked on cell phones these days, and most of the Zune software is in the latest version of Windows Phone, in one form or another.

Now if they can just fix that fanged toilet problem…