You’ll Never Guess What Percentage Of The World’s Porn America Hosts

It turns out, in addition to blowing things up and wisely avoiding the boredom of soccer, that there’s another reason to be proud of America. Namely, America is the world’s porn archive.

In fact, America is far and away the porniest country on the planet, with 428 million pages of browser shame hiding on our red, white and blue servers. In fact, nobody else even comes close:

According to the survey compiled by Paul Walsh of family-friendly web product specialist Metacard, more than 187 million pages of web porn are hosted in Holland, even though the population is just 17 million.

The UK, which has more than four times the population of the Netherlands, hosts a quarter of the amount of internet porn – although that is still 52 million internet pages – almost one for every British citizen.

So, why is the US the dominant supplier of boobies to the world at 60%? Two reasons: First, and most obvious, is the fact that a lot of websites are hosted in the US. It won’t surprise you to learn that the US and the Netherlands are among the most common places for a website to be hosted, and least restrictive about content.

Secondly, we have the First Amendment in place, and the US legal system, while it has a complicated history with pornography, does tend to be fairly live and let live about these things: We’re too busy chasing terrorists to give a crap who’s hosting porn on our God-fearing patriotic servers most of the time.

In other words, Freedom has brought us boobies. God bless Freedom.