Siri Will Soon Speak Mandarin So The Chinese Can Also Have A Useless iPhone Feature

Good news for all the factory workers who risk going up in flames on a regular basis to supply the Western world with affordable crack Apple products! You guys might be getting Siri very soon, so you’ll also be able to goof with your friends over how your phone can find escort services while it’s almost always incapable of performing basic functions when you actually need it to.

Reports the LA Times:

The company said Wednesday that China will be among 22 countries that soon will get the newest iPhone, one of Apple’s hottest-selling yet. The iPhone now accounts for nearly half of Apple’s annual revenue, and some analysts believe it earns the company more than 60% of its profits.

China is one of the world’s largest mobile device markets, with close to a billion cellphone users by some estimates. Apple currently partners with China Unicom, one of the larger carriers with close to 200 million cellular subscribers.

Apple said Wednesday it had no current plans to announce a partnership with China Mobile, the country’s largest carrier with more than 630 million subscribers (a user base that, somewhat amazingly, is more than twice the size of the U.S. population). But for months now Apple has been rumored to be nailing down a deal with China Mobile, and millions of the carriers’ customers are already using the iPhone by modifying the device to work on their network.

Now, seriously, can we talk about Siri for a second? I’ve got some things I need to get off of my chest.

Is anyone really using Siri on a regular basis for anything other than goofing off? I really want to know this. If you have an iPhone 4S and regularly use Siri for something I’d love to hear what exactly that is in the comments. Because I’ve tried to use it to send texts and look up information for me when I’m driving — which is perhaps the only time I can see it ever coming in handy — and it rarely does what I need it to do. More often than not I’m better off pulling over or waiting to come to a light to do whatever I need done manually, lest I throw the phone out the window into oncoming traffic. Maybe one day in the future Apple’s voice recognition technology with be the bombdizzle, but right now it just seems to be riddled with too many bugs.

Please share any similar or contrary viewpoints in the comments. I’m genuinely interested to hear other people’s opinions/experiences on this.