The Best Moments And Most Repeatable Lines From Last Night’s ‘Better Call Saul’

With the excellent pilot out of the way, it’s time to dig deeper into Better Call Saul, now airing on its regularly scheduled night. When we last left Jimmy and the skater twins, things were not looking so good for them. Here’s what we learned during episode two:

You probably shouldn’t call Tuco’s grandmother a biznatch.

James’ arrival wasn’t enough to avoid a trip to the desert.

Luckily, Tuco has a less volatile adviser named Nacho in his corner.

It not a position for everyone.

With the threat of immediate death off his shoulders, James managed to save the skaters from the wrath of Tuco. Mostly.

Having failed at his side hustle, it’s back to public defense for Jimmy McGill, which means more time with his favorite parking attendant.

But when Nacho comes to Jimmy’s office, we see just how far away Saul Goodman really is…

… and what might inch him a bit closer.