Last week’s episode of Gotham was a useful reminder that this show doesn’t like to let plotlines stick around. In fairly short order, Gordon was framed for a murder he didn’t commit, ironically over a murder he actually did commit, and was packed off to Blackgate, because due process and jury trials are for the weak. Meanwhile, Penguin wins the “implausible plotline” lottery this season, and met his real dad at his mom’s grave. How’s that going to work out for him?
With Gotham going all Douglas Sirk on us, apparently. It appears the Penguin, who is genuinely free of any desire to kill people, has stumbled onto a rotten hive of bored rich people convinced he’s out to murder dear old Dad for his money. And they want in, which includes, apparently, his stepsister, who is willing to, uh, sleep with him to make it happen. That surely will not mess him up any more than he already is!
Meanwhile, Gordon has been sent to Blackgate and, again, because due process and law are for wimps, is being put in general population in a prison full of criminals. We’re sure that’ll end well for him too! But we’ll find out tonight, at 8 p.m. on Fox. Join us, won’t you?