Jon Stewart’s Glorious Evisceration Of Anti-Weed Legalization Media Types Will Give Every Stoner A Boner

After a night of reminding us that we maybe kinda sorta haven’t exactly BEAT GLOBAL WARMING, The Daily Show turned their sights to the other hot topic of 2014 thus far: legalized marijuana in Colorado.

Things started off innocuously enough with Jon Stewart doing a good times rundown of the new laws and the borderline entrapment that are Taco Bell drive-thrus, but things really heated up in the second segment (above) when Stewart shifted focus to all the inevitable Fox News fear-mongering currently taking place (message: “COLORADO JUST KILLED US ALL”). Bill O’Reilly for his part kicked off his segment on pot in Colorado by calling legalized marijuana “literally Russian Roulette.”

I’ll just let Jon Stewart take it from there. Parts 3 & 4 of The Daily Show’s “Burn Notice” episode are embedded below, with special cameos by David Brooks and Joe Scarborough.

Here’s part three…

And here’s part four…

The Daily Show