Houston’s Mayor Weighs In On That Sweet Piece Of ‘Eye Candy,’ J.J. Watt

In the week leading up to the start of the NFL season, J.J. Watt graced the cover of Men’s Health magazine. For a large segment of football fans, his shirtless photo caused pleasurable stirrings. Houston’s mayor, Annise Parker, was not immune:

Parker is gay, but you can’t fault her for appreciating Watt, for multiple reasons. Primarily, it’s just good PR to say good things about J.J. Watt in Houston — saying bad things about him is nearly a capital offense at this point. Additionally, as Parker herself points out, who you love doesn’t necessarily affect where your eyes wander. And anyone’s eyes, male or female, gay or straight, have the right to wander over Watt’s abs or veiny forearms.

Watt’s Texans didn’t have the greatest start to the season, losing 27-20 to the Kansas City Chiefs, but Watt’s star isn’t falling anytime soon. If he can gain political allies just by flexing, he may be the governor of Texas before long. Millions of fans would vote for him tomorrow.

(Via Fox Sports)