Our Favorite Senator On Twitter Has Joined VYou

Well it looks as though avant-garde Twitter comedian Chuck Grassley — a Republican senator from Iowa — is broadening his social media horizons: Mashable reports that he’s joined Vyou, the site that lets users broadcast post videos responding to questions sent in by random people on the internet.

Grassley’s team is using VYou as a virtual town hall platform, allowing the senator to record short responses to constituents’ questions (such as “Will we ever see a balanced budget amendment to the constitution?”). Grassley records his responses and transmits them to his online following.

For Grassley, VYou is another digital tool in an ever-expanding toolbox that helps him connect directly with his constituents.

“I work hard to promote dialogue between myself and Iowans,” said Sen. Grassley. “That two-way street of communication is very important to representative government. Changes in technology continue to help facilitate that dialogue. VYou is the newest technology I’m using to communicate with constituents. Whether it be VYou, email, YouTube, Facebook or Twitter, I want to reach out to Iowans where they are having conversations online.”

In truth, Vyou was a thing for about 5 minutes of internet time last year — the high point of which had to be when Sasha Grey joined last April — but has since faded considerably. Still, we applaud the old man for boldly embracing the internet. Just whatever you do, don’t stop tweeting, Chuck. Never stop.