A Second American Is Now Being Sought For Illegal Lion-Hunting In Zimbabwe

Lion posing

With lion-killing dentist Walter Palmer presumably still on the lam, Zimbabwe officials have arrested another person in relation to a lion-hunting incident that took place back in April. Headman Sibanda, the owner of Nyala Safaris, was taken into custody for breaching hunting regulations and hunting without a permit or quota. Sibanda is cooperating with authorities, and has identified his former client as a suspect, Jan Casmir Sieski, a gynecological oncologist from Murrysville, Penn. (right outside of Pittsburgh).

Just in case you might think these hunters are getting the raw end of the deal by having their names and information circulated everywhere, the New York Daily News spoke with Sieski’s neighbor, and I can assure you that he otherwise seems like a totally swell guy.

On Sunday, one of Seski’s neighbors said the doctor once threatened to kill his Australian shepherd pups after they ran onto his sprawling property set back among woods outside Pittsburgh and dotted with “no hunting” signs.

“He brought them back with his caretaker,” recalled neighbor Ernie Hahn. “He doesn’t go anywhere by himself. And he told me, ‘You know, I could have shot them.’”

Apparently, he’s very good at that. You know, here’s a proposition for you, rich jack-holes: How about we just, say, don’t kill lions? Or elephants. Or threaten to shoot our neighbors’ dogs. Let’s make the world a better place, one rich doctor at a time.

(CBS News, BBC News, New York Daily News via Death & Taxes)