Klay Thompson Caught Peeking At Hooters Waitress

Last night, Klay Thompson visited a Hooters in San Bruno, California. He agreed to pose for some photographs with the waitresses at the restaurant, and in one shot, Klay gets caught looking down (he’s 6-7) at one of them. She posted a pick of him on Instagram and laughingly called him out before going to tonight’s game.

Here’s Crystal a Hooters waitress at the sam San Bruno, California location as the one Klay visited last night.


When Klay posed for a photo with the San Bruno waitresses, Crystal spotted him peeping at her.



Still, she was at tonight’s Warriors game and it seems all good.



Though the Dubs won against the visiting Blazers, Klay might have still been distracted from his trip to Hooers; he was only 6-of-21 from the field for 17 points.

h/t: @warriorsworld

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