New ‘Batman V Superman’ Images Bring Out More Brooding Batman And Wonder Woman Intensity

Warner has released another batch of photos from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, featuring a new look at the Batmobile, as well as Wonder Woman (above) looking intense as always, Superman getting surly, and Batman brooding so hard, you guys. As Ben Affleck explained about his version of Batman in an interview last month: “He’s on the verge of being swallowed up by the anger and the rage that we see haunt this character in the other manifestations of it, but this guy is further down the line and has become more embittered and cynical.” (Darkness, no parents, etc.)

Oooo, Superman looks angry. Wonder how this stand-off between him and Batman is going to go…

Batman v Superman: Dawn of SICK BURNS opens March 25, 2016.

(Via Collider and @FinnJ)