Admiral Ackbar Tapped (Not Trapped) To Return For ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

This news is decidedly not a trap. Buried in the second page of Rolling Stone‘s behind the scenes article on Star Wars: The Force Awakens was an interesting piece of news. Admiral Ackbar will be bringing his ruse-identifying talents to the film, which takes place about 30 years after he was informing us about traps and the importance of recognizing said traps.

Welcome back, you helpful Mon Calamari you. As Vulture points out (and this shouldn’t be a spoiler by now), Admiral Ackbar died of old age 29 years after the Battle of Yavin in the Expanded Universe, meaning we’re going to be seeing an elderly, perhaps dying, Ackbar in Force Awakens. On the other hand, much of the Expanded Universe has been thrown out, which means both Ackbar and Chewbacca may live much longer lives. And, hey, while they’re throwing out the EU anyway, maybe they could introduce other residents of Dac, like Ackbar’s cousin from across the pond and his cute sister…

(Via Rolling Stone and Vulture)