Ronda Rousey’s PR Team Demands Reporters Don’t Ask Her About Fighting Or She’ll Walk

Ronda Rousey is a busy woman, even when she doesn’t have a fight coming up. As the release date for EA Sports UFC 2 quickly approaches, EA has the fighter in full promo mode and that means interviews … lots and lots of interviews. And because Ronda Rousey is now a bona fide superstar, she gets to pull some superstar moves, like refusing to answer questions about certain topics.

In the past, reporters have been told not to ask about her relationship with boyfriend and fellow UFC fighter Travis Browne. When someone broke that rule during a media conference call, Rousey hung up.

Now things are getting even tighter. When an Australian news team flew to Canada to interview the former women’s bantamweight champion, they were told “no questions about fighting, or she would walk out.”

“If you ask those questions, the interview is done,” an unidentified PR person says in the video. “The interview is done.”

“She’s a fighter!” reporter Mike Amor responded, incredulous. “That’s like asking me to do a story about basketball and not asking about basketball.”

It’s not unusual for PR people to try and limit the scope of the interview to what’s being promoted — there are always way more interesting questions to ask most celebrities than what their latest project may be. And in this case, they wanted people to ask Ronda about EA Sports UFC 2, not Ronda’s recent comments about suicide, or Ronda’s refusal to confirm a specific timeline on her UFC return.

But to just put a blanket ban on fighting questions seems pretty extreme. Is it more evidence that Rousey is going Hollywood and leaving the fight game behind?

(News7 Australia via Bloody Elbow)