Jake Gyllenhaal Refuses To Badmouth Taylor Swift On ‘Howard Stern’

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With Taylor Swift having the week she’s having, she must be relieved that Jake Gyllenhaal has nothing but nice things to say about her on Howard Stern’s radio show.

Despite Stern trying to bait him, as US reports, saying that if he were the actor, he would’ve married Swift, “Because to me, nothing is sexier than a woman who can play songs and write,” Gyllenhaal calls Swift a “beautiful girl” and leaves it at that.

Gyllenhaal also says he wasn’t bothered by Swift’s “Bad Blood” playing in the background while the actor was being interviewed on Good Morning America:

Gyllenhaal replied with a laugh and a simple “no,” then went on to add, “First of all, I did not hear that. When I’m doing an interview, when you are up at 5 a.m. and you can’t make sense of words, you’re not thinking about the background music that’s playing behind you.”

Stern joked that the show’s producers were “up to shenanigans” and played the song on purpose to “make some sort of association.” But Gyllenhaal didn’t take the bait.

“I’m sure they have so much music on that show playing all the time,” he demurred. “It’s just one of those things.”

We’ve been privy to a lot of Gyllenhaal’s thoughts these days, as he promotes the boxing and Oscar bait movie Southpaw, including how much he misses Heath Ledger, and how he bulked up to play a boxer, which is something he does a lot for movie roles.

(Via US)