Anne Hathaway Adorably Made A Guy’s Entire Year By Singing Him ‘Happy Birthday’

With the 2016 presidential election just election just six days away, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are setting their sights on the battleground state of Pennsylvania. After a speech in Valley Forge on Tuesday, Trump pandered to voters by making a surprise appearance in a King of Prussia Wawa, the convenience store that is essentially gospel to Pennsylvanians. Clinton was quick to one-up Trump’s Wawa stop however, but getting none other than Anne Hathaway to campaign for her across the Philadelphia region Wednesday.

This morning the Devil Wears Prada actress made an appearance at Temple University’s campus to the surprise of excited students. Her visit was especially thrilling for one student in particular, with the Twitter handle @ewanaconda, who tweeted the above video of Hathaway singing him happy birthday on his special day, getting the whole crowd to join in. “This is happening!,” he screams as the crowd breaks into song.

Ewan wasn’t the only one whose day was made by Hathaway’s appearance (even if this birthday will probably be a tough one to top). Dozens of other students, campus associations, and media outlets likewise tweeted photos and video from the event, including one girl who says she’s not a Clinton supporter but thought it was pretty cool anyway. Come on, if not Anne Hathaway what is it going to take to get her vote?