Here’s What Sebastian Stan Thinks About That ‘Ant-Man’ Post-Credits Scene

If you haven’t seen Ant-Man yet, then you’ve been forewarned — spoilers abound below.

BuzzFeed caught up with Sebastian Stan, otherwise known to all of Marvel Studios fandom as Bucky Barnes, Steven Rogers’s best friend turned brainwashed foe in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. We already know that Bucky’s story plays a large part in Captain America: Civil War, the first film of Marvel’s ambitious Phase Three slate of movies.

After the credits roll in Ant-Man, Rogers (Chris Evans) and Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) discuss what to do with Bucky in the film’s post-credits tag. It appears that the Winter Soldier’s robotic arm is trapped in some kind of vice. Many have already speculated about what the scene means, and Stan’s comments add more fuel to that fire:

“I think [what Bucky was caught in was] more of a vise,” he told BuzzFeed on Sunday. “But it would never happen at his own hand, by his own doing.”

“In terms of that scene in Ant-Man, I’ve seen some of the ideas people have about it and I would just say that whatever you’re seeing on the surface, it’s not as obvious as that.”

“There might be a whole lot more to the scene. I would say someone would probably want to put him in a vise.”

Is this Stan actually commenting on everyone’s convoluted theories, or just the usual round of Marvel’s smoke and mirrors? Stan was actually there for the scene in question, let alone the film it actually belongs to, so he’d probably know the truth. Then again, Marvel’s expert PR snipers were probably waiting in the wings, just behind BuzzFeed’s reporter.

(Via BuzzFeed)