You’ll Binge With Confidence After You Discover These Easy Ways To Unlock Netflix’s True Potential

It’s hard not to worship at the altar of Netflix. It’s that lovely service that allows you to shove any and all pressing responsibilities into a deep, dark pit so you can gorge on streaming movies, TV shows, or (horniness permitting) “chill” options. Well, if we’re going to be under its unshakable sway, we might as well get some bonus perks out of the deal.

In the name of public education, we here at Uproxx have crafted a 76-second video that’s bursting with easy-to-use tips on how to unlock the full potential of Netflix. After all, if you’re going to give this beast an average of 1.5 hours-per-day, you should at least score some bonus knowledge on how to make the service work for you.

For example, Chrome users can enjoy the spoils of the Chrome extension enhancement suite. By including this in your Netflix arsenal, you’ll have access to features like trailers, Rotten Tomatoes rankings, and IMDB rankings in your hunt for what to scarf down next. This tweak won’t make it any easier to talk your main squeeze into a surprise viewing of Jack & Jill, but that was always going to be a herculean task, really.

There’s loads more to learn, of course. Hit play on the video above for clues on how to unlock different genres, improve your suggestion settings and bask in the power that comes from using “God Mode.” Consider this a self-improvement session that you can engage in with a mouth that’s overflowing with Cheetos.