Seth MacFarlane Will Croon With The Boston Pops On Their Opening Night

Growing up in New England in the age of Family Guy meant that Seth MacFarlane was unavoidable. Even worse was living in Rhode Island and attending art school with teachers who knew him, even having a class with his cousin. Rhode Island being the smallest state in the United States means that anything from Rhode Island that gets even remotely popular becomes held up and revered without question. Family Guy, and anything Seth MacFarlane, is simply canon in Rhode Island now.

Family Guy briefly went away before being brought back through DVD sales and fan demand and ever since then MacFarlane has seen his career really take off. MacFarlane has done a ton of stuff, including the Family Guy spin-off series, The Cleveland Show, and films like Ted, Ted 2 and A Million Ways to Die in the West. Interestingly enough, Seth MacFarlane can also sing. So yeah, outside of making television shows, movies, controversial jokes at award shows and the like, he’s done well for himself as a musician. reports that MacFarlane will be helping the Boston Pops kick off their spring concert series by performing with them on their opening night. He’ll be singing a selection of popular songs from the 1940’s and 1950’s alongside the Boston Pops, a group that is made up of members of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra who perform pop music from different eras.
