Disney Provides An Eye-Opening Overview Of ‘Star Wars Land’ With Some Super HD Concept Art

Disneyland and Disney World Resorts’ upcoming Star Wars Land is really one of the most exciting outcomes of the mouse’s snapping up Lucasfilm. Sure, new movies are cool, but actually being able to explore the Star Wars galaxy yourself is something fans have never been able to do before.

Disney has already shown off a variety of intriguing Star Wars Land concept art pieces, but thus far we’ve only had a vague idea of how it will all fit together. They did release one piece that provided an overview of the attraction, but it was very sketchy, and rather low-res. You had to do a lot of squinting and guessing to glean any significant information from it.

Well, now Disney has released a much more detailed, HD overview painting of Star Wars Land. Check it out below, and make sure to click here to see it in full resolution whenever you get the chance.

There are a lot of interesting little details in there, including markets, the Millennium Falcon, some sort of boat down in the lake that’s pictured, and an Imperial-looking landing pad to the right. Though I’m sure eagle-eyed Star Wars fanatics will be able to find a lot more cool stuff after some expert digging.

Star Wars Land began construction in April, and is expected to open sometime in 2017.

(Via Disney Parks Blog)