Check Out Just How Well ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic’s Videos Match Up With The Original Versions

Being number one earns a certain kind of attention in life, but “Weird Al” Yankovic has never needed help with that. It can’t hurt though. His well deserved entry at the top of the charts with Mandatory Fun has been a long time coming, and there couldn’t be a better guy out there deserving of such success.

One of the big reasons he deserves it though is his attention detail in his work. Some of his songs are almost exact copies of the original songs they parody and the videos are no different. Just compare some of the eight that took the Internet on a wild ride last week and you can get a taste.

The Verge was nice enough to compile some of the best examples from “Weird Al’s” career, with only a few great examples missing. One of my favorites not included in the video is the video for “Headline News,” a parody of the Crash Test Dummies “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm.” I believe it is the only time that the original song is weirder than Al’s parody, but the video is a perfect replica.

(Via The Verge)