Suddenly I Feel The Urge To Buy The Sports Illustrated ‘Fantasy Islands’ Book

On October 25, the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Portfolio: “Fantasy Islands” will be released in hardcover format for those of us who did not find this year’s swimsuit issue to be plentiful enough. The book is a collection of behind-the-scenes pictures and stories from this year’s shoot, or, if you’re more blunt like me, it’s another reason to publish a ton of photos of Brooklyn Decker, Chrissy Teigen, and Hillary Rhoda, among others.

And I have absolutely no problem with that at all.

It’s the ultimate supermodel yearbook. Join the four photographers whose work was featured in the 2011 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue on a behind-the-scenes account of their travels, revisiting their experiences through never-before-seen images and exclusive commentary.

In all honesty, I don’t care about what the four photographers have to say. No disrespect to them, but the only way I would read it would be if it looked like this:


Seriously, that on every page and I might read the content. Otherwise, just give me the pictures and let me drift away to a land in which I, too, can be a mediocre professional tennis player.

Speaking of pictures, the great minds at Dickism went ahead and dug up some of the new Brooklyn Decker images and they’re pretty much everything my tired eyes could have ever hoped for. Enjoy some Decker for yourselves and have a great weekend.