Gary Oldman Hates Your Movies, Shaq

‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ has a great relationship with pro sports, routinely playing Pop-A-Shot with Blake Griffin, honoring young Diamondbacks fans who probably don’t deserve to be honored or Skyping in with Roy Hibbert’s awesome dog. Kimmel has seen less success on the silver screen, where I’m pretty sure his two biggest roles have been ‘Client in Commercial’ in Like Mike and the voice of Spanky The Imprisoned Dog in Garfield.

Regardless of these seemingly unrelated facts, Jimmy Kimmel has teamed up with actor Gary Oldman for ‘Actors Against Acting Athletes’, a public service announcement telling professional athletes to stay the f**k out of movies. Not sure if this is in response to Kevin Durant’s Thunderstruck trailer, but it might as well be. For every Dan Marino in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective there are ten Howie Longs in Firestorm.

Actually, both of those were pretty terrible. Let ’em have it, Stansfield:

Now let’s do ‘Actors Against Adam Carolla Speaking’.

[h/t Drew Magary]