Patriots Fan Louis C.K. Is Totally Fine With Deflated Balls Because ‘It’s Hilarious’

In case you decided to hibernate until Super Bowl XLIX starts on Sunday or you’re just trying to ignore all of the #DeflateGate nonsense in general, we finally have an opinion that matters. Forget Bill Nye the Science Guy and Neil deGrasse Tyson and all of their so-called science knowledge and general brain power, because Louis C.K. is a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman tonight and among the topics they’ll discuss is Tom Brady and the New England Patriots allegedly deflating their footballs so they can win it all.

Seeing that Louis C.K. is from Boston and likes the Pats, he obviously doesn’t care what they do to win, but his logic is simply impossible to debate. But I’m sure that won’t stop a million pissed off NFL fans from trying.