Aaron Hernandez’s Lawyer Made This Unfortunate DeflateGate Joke In Court And The Judge Was Not Pleased

During questioning of a state trooper on Thursday in the murder case of former New England Patriots TE Aaron Hernandez, his lawyer made an unfortunate DeflateGate joke that didn’t go over well in the courtroom. Defense attorney James Sultan was questioning Massachusetts State Police Sergeant Timothy Dowd about tire pressure, which he took as a golden opportunity to work on some of his comedy.

“And one of the things you received training in is tire deflation devices, right?” Sultan said.

“A certain type of tire deflation device, yes,” Dowd said.

“OK,” Sultan said. “Did you ever receive training in football deflation devices?”

AYE Ohhhhhh!!!! Now THAT’S good comedy. Unfortunately for Sultan, however, the presiding judge Justice E. Susan Garsh is not on Sultan’s same level comedic-wise. She quickly admonished the lawyer and reminded him why they were all there.

“We are here on very serious business and I do not expect there to be any jokes,” Garsh said.

“I apologize to the court,” Sultan said. “In hindsight, that was a mistake.”

I suppose there’s a lesson to be learned in all of this, which is if you’re going to make jokes about DeflateGate, save it for social media, talk radio, sports blogs, press conferences, dinner with your spouse, and your office water cooler rather than the middle of a cross-examination of a police officer in a murder case. That’s bar exam 101 stuff.

[NY Daily News]