How A Penis Falling From The Sky Was The Best Part Of The 49ers’ Horrible Night

The San Francisco 49ers are not good. We were all reminded of that much during Thursday night’s Seahawks-Niners game in the bay. The ‘Hawks dominated San Fran 20-3 as Niners fans were forced to watch in agony, but there was a brief beacon of light during the game, and it didn’t come on the field.

No, it came in the form of an inflatable penis that fell from the sky. Or, more likely, the upper deck.

That inflatable penis read ‘YORK’ — as in 49ers CEO Jed York — and landed in the lap of a young woman named Ashley, who was at the game celebrating her 24th birthday with family and friends. Being a great fan, Ashley knew exactly what to do with this unexpected gift from the heavens. She took a photo with her best pal and uploaded it to Twitter with a fantastically vulgar caption, which you can find above.

The tweet made its way around the interwebs during the game and, while it didn’t help the 49ers get their act together, it certainly gave their fans a reason to smile, if only for a brief moment. Gotta take the small victories where you can find ’em.

If you’re interested in checking out a quick Q & A with disgruntled Ashley, you can head here.

(Via The Cauldron)