A Northwestern Punter Celebrated Beating Minnesota With Wild Sexy Dancing


It’s a great time to be involved with the Northwestern football program. After Saturday’s shutout win over Minnesota, the Wildcats are 5-0 with a 1-0 record in the Big Ten, they have one of the best defenses in the country and, at this point, they have earned a spot among the 15-20 best teams in America.

When your team is on a roll, there is usually a special type of confidence and swagger that all of your players possess. For example, let’s look at Matt Micucci. Who is Matt Micucci, you may ask? Well, Matt Micucci is a walk-on punter who looks kind of like Xenophilius Lovegood from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. He also dances. My god, does he dance.

After the Wildcats’ win over the Gophers, a handful of players formed a circle with Micucci at the center. What happens over the next 10 or so seconds is nothing short of art. Micucci starts by putting his hands on his hips and rotating his hips around. He then starts thrusting his hips forward and back like he’s an ultra-aggressive Hingle McCringleberry, followed up by him throwing his arms out and shimmying.

Specialists dancing after wins needs to be a thing that happens every week. Odds are nobody would surpass the ultra-high bar that Micucci set, but we’d love to see them try.