Joe Buck Told A Perfect Story About Larry David At Erin Andrews’ Wedding

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Joe Buck told a story about Larry David from when the two attended sportscaster Erin Andrews’ wedding that sounds like something straight out of an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Conveniently, the show is back and early reviews are good. So if you’re getting excited for Curb and need something that puts you back in that mindset then this story is certainly for you. It sounds like a celebrity game of Mad Libs, except that the story Buck tells is so entirely on brand for Larry David that it must be true.

Buck appeared on the Howard Stern Show and told a story about Andrews’ wedding, where Buck and David were both guests.

Stern correctly asks how Larry David ended up at Erin Andrews’ wedding, and Buck said he was there with a friend, who was invited. Then he slips into story mode.

“You know Larry enough to know that what you see on Curb Your Enthusiasm is exactly how he is,” Buck begins.

“So, Erin got married at this place called the Yellowstone Club. We’re on this mountain top. It was gorgeous, but it was sunny. Larry’s in the row behind me and he’s like, ‘I thought if i wore a hat I’d look like a jerk and now I’m dying of skin cancer. It’s so sunny and I don’t have any sunblock and I left the hat in the room and I’m waiting for the [Curb Your Enthusiasm theme song].”

This is incredible, but then the sun goes down and it gets worse for David.

“And then we go to the reception afterward and it got cold, and by cold it was like 50.” Buck said. “And now he’s shivering and they’re bring him blankets and putting candles in front of him like it’s a small fire that he’s gonna get warm from. It was awesome. He’s such a great guy.”

Buck is asked if he was at David’s table, which he was. David and Buck were at a table with Troy Aikman! What did those three talk about? Other than the weather, that is.