Enjoy This Re-Imagined Animated ‘Breaking Bad’ Intro, Along With A Few ‘Breaking Bad’ Comics

I was thisclose to calling it a week and commencing to get my football on but then I saw Martin Woutisseth’s re-imagined illustrated intro for Breaking Bad embedded above and thought, “Awwwww, damn I have to post that.” And then a kindly reader forwarded me a link to some Breaking Bad comics that inspired a laugh or two and I was like, “Awwwww, damn now I have to post these too.” So I decided to stick them into this here post.

So, enjoy. We’re all going through Breaking Bad withdrawals and we’re all in this together. With that said, y’all have a great weekend.

Now enjoy these Breaking Bad comics from Unreality Mag

More here!

(HT: Vimeo)