Watch Adam Sandler And Bob Barker Continue Their ‘Happy Gilmore’ Brawl For ‘Night Of Too Many Stars’

Adam Sandler stepped back into one of his most famous film roles to help out Comedy Central’s Night of Too Many Stars, bringing Bob Barker along to bury the hatchet. It just doesn’t work out too well in the end, and both end up topping their original brawl from Happy Gilmore in the process.

Barker has the sharpest old man tongue around, even if he’s nursing a fake broken hip, and he’s not hesitant to dish out the punishment. The fight features a David Spade burn, a fake leg being used as a weapon, and a very timely Ebola joke to close things out. There’s even a nice little set of cameos at the end to really help tap it in.

(Via Comedy Central)