‘House Of Cards’ As A ’90s Sitcom Is The Show Netflix Should Have Given Us

House of Cards is a fantastic show. Kevin Spacey steals every scene he’s in, Robin Wright has proven she can act her ass off and for some reason, watching them both do terrible things for power and politics is just wicked good fun. But for a series that’s meant to be binge-watched, it’s decidedly dark — and we’re not just talking about the overabundant use of blue hues with which the show’s cinematographer obviously prefers to shoot scenes.

If the Netflix original series’ latest 13-episode season has left you feeling a bit depressed, here’s the magic fix. This YouTube video reworks the show’s abnormally long intro, adds in some fake audience laughter and cheesy background instrumentals and effectively creates a show no one could ever resist. House of Cards as a ’90s sitcom features the same key characters as its dreary counterpart but instead of being the manipulative Congressman with a signature Southern drawl who manages to lie, cheat and murder his way to the White House, in this family-friendly version, Frank Underwood is just a good ol’ boy who enjoys some good-natured fun — like throwing a chick in front of a train, having threesomes with with his secret service agents, and explaining how to effectively slit one’s wrists in a bathtub.

H/T The A.V. Club